Month: January 2014

  • Pirate Photo Shoot & Contest

    HNG Pirate teaser

    My birthday is on Sunday (that’s right, I’m a Groundhog baby) and for the past two years I’ve posted a photo shoot to mark the occasion. In 2012 it was Batgirl. Last year it was a superhero character I created named Delilah. This year I decided to whip out my pistol and dress up like a pirate.

    Because, let’s face it, Pirates are awesome. Plus, I’m the descendant of Vikings so acting like a Pirate for a day isn’t that far of a stretch. Also, Pirates are awesome.

    I always have a lot of fun writing the little stories that go along with the pictures and folks seem to like them so I’ll just keep doing it 

    What’s that? You want to win a signed copy of one of these pictures? Ok, fine. There’s a contest after the pics.

    Well, ahoy there Matey, my name is Captain Tracy.

    Some folks don’t like me being the Captain on account of my being a member of the fairer sex.

    But I don’t really give a damn what they think. Just don’t call me a “wench.”

    No really, you do NOT want to call me a wench.

    I know my way around a sword and I will cut you.

    I’ve been in my share of fights.

    And sent more than a few men to Davy Jones’ locker. 

    Let’s just say that I can hold my own with the boys.

    How else do you think I got to be Captain?

    It certainly wasn’t from hitting the bottle.

    And I don’t take shit lying down.

    I’ve got a great sense of humor and can be a bit of a flirt.

    OK, maybe more than a bit at times.

    But when shit gets real…

    I’m all business.

    So don’t let me catch you going after my treasure.

    Because I will not be a happy Captain.

    Now where were we?

    Oh yeah…wanna see my ship? It’s right over there.

    You can come aboard if you promise to behave.

    We can sail off into the sunset in search of adventure!

    Big thanks, as always, to my friend and photographer, Jon Upson. I’m always in awe of what he manages to capture with that camera of his because, trust me, I am NOT a model. Far from it. To Mama Jedi for assisting on yet another photo shoot and for being my biggest cheerleader. To my friend and HNG Podcast co-host Darcy for almost 4 years of constant motivation and support. Seriously, I couldn’t do this without him. To Reba for the lovely watermarks and all of her hard work on the calendars. And to my friend Erika for letting me borrow her “pirate wench hooker boots.” I don’t know how she walks in those, I could barely stand and almost fell over more times than I can count.

    Quick announcement: my NerdBFF Geek Outlaw and I are going to have our first booth at a convention! So if you’re in the LA area on February 9th, please come by and say hi. Since we’ve never done this before, we’re testing the waters at a smaller convention, the Los Angeles Comic Book & Science Fiction Convention. I don’t know our booth number yet but I’ll announce it on the facebook page when I find out.


    If you want a chance to win a signed print of your choice from this photo shoot, leave a comment below by Tuesday, February 4th at midnight PST. I’ll pull five names out of a hat and contact you directly if you’re a winner!

    AND, since it’s my birthday, one lucky winner will get a signed copy of Forging Freedom, an anthology I was asked to contribute a sci-fi story to. See my author profile HERE. If you don’t win it but want to check it out you can get it in paperback or on your Kindle HERE.

    Want to get me a birthday present? Buy a 2014 calendar! They are a labor of love and any money I make goes right back into making next year’s calendar. This 11″ x 11″ 12-month calendar includes every nerdy holiday you can possibly imagine and a convention calendar featuring dates and locations for hundreds of sci-fi, fantasy, comic book, anime, and horror conventions all around the world.

    Thanks to everyone who participates!

  • HNG Podcast #11 – 2014 Movie Preview

    HNG Darcy podcast 11

    Happy New Year!

    I know it’s a little late in the month to be saying that but I’m just now starting to get my energy back after two months of being sick in one way or another.

    A few days ago Darcy found this i09 article about the 65 Science Fiction and Fantasy movies to watch out for in 2014 and we thought we’d discuss the movies we’re most looking forward to in (what I think) is our best and funnest podcast to date. Also, I may have had an impromptu rapping session.




    After many delays (including a medical emergency and having to find a new printer in the 11th hour), the 2014 HNG calendar is finally here! It’s 11″x11″ this year instead of 12″x12″ but, just like last year, it’s got all of the nerdy holidays (including some new ones that weren’t on last year’s), a 2014 convention calendar in the back, and lots of costumes including new, never-before-seen themes like Firefly, Doctor Who, Mario Bros, and more! Plus, I’ll sign the first 250 ordered so be sure to order one today!