Tag: aragog

  • 15 Best Halloween Costumes for your Pet

    Normally I’m very much opposed to people dressing up their pets.  The animals look miserable and I pity both them and their human parents who are obviously missing some kind of nutrient in their diets that turns them into crazy people who spend tons of money on clothes for animals who don’t need or want to wear clothes. 

    I don’t care what you say.  I repeat.  Animals. do. not. want. to. wear. clothes.

    However, dressing human children up as black cats and Ninja Turtles is perfectly acceptable. Yes, that's me and my brother.

    That being said, there’s a time and a place for everything.  For example, my friend Hayden dressed his dog Pebbles up in some Hanukkah garb to have some professional portraits taken a few years ago.  I’ll admit it, it’s ridiculously adorable.  Plus, Hayden doesn’t make a habbit of dressing up Pebbles so it’s ok. 


    Also, my best friend Bia dresses up her dog Dominic in a costume (usually Superman) for Halloween every year.

    It's a bird! It's a plane! It's Super Domi!

    This brings me to the ONE day of the year that it’s ok to dress up your dog.  Halloween.  Because if I have to strap on an uncomfortable costume, why shouldn’t Dominic have to too?

    So, here is a list of the Halloween costumes for your pet that have my approval.

    Y’all know I’m a big fan of the military so here’s Operation Flying Doggy

     I vant to eat yor kibble

    Remember the movie Lake Placid?  He does. 

    Sir Barksalot

    The Headless Dogman

    Batdog and Superdog together at last

    Captain Jack Sparrow with after market parrot and eyepatch

    Aslan – looking a bit more perplexed than usual

    Hogwarts kitteh (not sure which house uses orange and purple)

    Fluffy – small dog version

    Fluffy – big dog version (Harry Potter not included)

    And for those who like to be more obscure – Aradog (hehe, get it?)

    Princess Leia could use a shave

    Wicket W. Warrick is calling you a Lurdo

    Darth Vader…although honestly…this is probably more like Lord Dark Helmet

    And can’t forget YODA!  Especially the one on the bottom with the Jack Skellington-ish jack o’ lantern