Tag: katniss everdeen
Thirsty Games – The Hunger Games Drinking Game
Note from HNG: Hey Nerds and Nerdettes, your favorite virtual drinking buddy is back! You may remember Vivian’s fantastic Firefly Drinking Game post (or not, depending on how drunk you got while playing it) and this time she’s created a Hunger Games Drinking Game that will make you Rue the day you didn’t drink while reading…
Hungry for some Hunger Games (movie edition)
Ok seriously, I don’t know wtf was up with the audience in my theatre but I couldn’t tell if I was there to watch a movie or at a meeting of the World’s Smallest Bladder Club. I think the four people in our group were the only people in the entire theatre that didn’t get…
Hungry for some Hunger Games
I read a lot. I mean, A LOT. As in, I’m pretty much exhausted every day because I’ll stay up until 1am (or 5am) reading when I should be sleeping because I don’t have any time during the day to satisfy my craving for the written word. I also read VERY quickly, a gene I…