Tag: zombie

  • World War Z Reviewed

    DSC00787 I was surprised by how much I liked World War Z. First of all, let me start by saying that I had very low expectations going into this movie. I’d heard the rumors of how the first cut was terrible and they had to refilm huge chunks of it. Plus, I love the book by…

  • WonderCon 2013

    Mama Jedi, HNG, Geek Outlaw Mama Jedi, HNG, Geek Outlaw Hope y’all had a very happy and nerderific Easter! I apologize for the lack of posts recently. Between working full-time (yes, I have a “real” job!), out of town guests, and just plain old life, I just haven’t much time to blog. But I’ll try…

  • What I need to survive the zombie apocalypse (revised)

    HNG Zombification by Brett DeWall One of my earliest HNG posts was titled “What I need to survive the zombie apocalypse.” Since then, The Walking Dead has premiered and risen to cult-like status, not to mention I’ve discovered new products and had about a gazillion more zombie-related nightmares (seriously, there are nights when I hardly sleep at…

  • “Dylan Dog Dead……” And that’s it

    Ok, what with all the sci-fi/fantasy movies coming out lately, I’ve been doing a lot of reviews. I don’t want this to turn into strictly a movie review blog, but it’s nice to throw them in on occasion. And as this summer looks to be a pretty big nerd/dork/geek fest for movies (Captain America, Thor,…

  • What I need to survive the zombie apocalypse

    What do you give a girl who’s biggest fear is zombies? Why, two Samurai swords, of course! You may have read any number of zombie survival guides.  I know I have.  Because hey, the zombie apocalypse could TOTALLY happen.  I have nightmares about it.  I had one particular nightmare a while back: I was walking…