A while back (maybe September?) I posted on the Hot Nerd Girl facebook page that I was having a hard time figuring out how to organize all of my Star Trek stuff in my office. The fans
a) thought it was a really great problem to have
b) demanded pictures.
I promised I would take some once it was all done. I’m still searching for a few of my smaller posters but it’s done for the most part. Just in time for Christmas and all of the relatives coming to town 🙂
So here are the pictures I promised as well as some background on some of the items. Sadly, about half of my collection is in storage in Idaho (had to put in somewhere when I went to college) so hopefully someday I can run up there and bring it all back down to SoCal.
This is my whole office area aka my little slice of heaven aka where all the magic happens. I infiltrated the area above the TV as well. Because I could.
1. The Posters
Regarding the posters: the one on the right you’ve probably seen me gushing about on the facebook page because my picture (and some of yours as well!) is part of the mosaic. I finally got it framed and hung up which was no easy task since it had to hang over the giant monstrosity that is the entertainment center. The Spock poster I’ve had since middle school and I literally took it with me everywhere I moved. That’s 13 moves and 13 walls it has hung on. He’s been one of the few constant companions I’ve had and I find his presence very comforting.
2. The lifesize Worf
I got my lifesize cardboard cut out of Worf from my step-uncle. He used to keep it in the coat closet. When visitors would come over and hang up their coats they’d get startled by Worf and usually scream at which point my step-uncle would laugh and laugh and laugh. It was my kind of prank. When he retired and moved he passed Worf down to me.
3. The Autographs
I’ve got quite a few autographs, including several in a Star Trek: The Next Generation book. Of these four I got three of them in person: Nichelle Nichols, Michael Dorn, and Marina Sirtis. The Majel Barrett one I got while she was alive but was no longer appearing at conventions. I heart her so much that I bought it anyways. I wish I had met her. I did meet her son, Eugene “Rod” Rodenberry Jr. at a convention in 2002. He was a nice guy.
I came upon my World Premier of Voyager cast autographs via my cousins best friend. She worked on the series and knew I was a big fan so she gave me her Voyager cast photo some years back (did I mention that she’s now one of my fave peeps on the planet?) It’s kind of hidden behind my Tribbles because I have so many damn stuffed animals.
- If you don’t know their name, just call them “Robert” and chances are you’ll be right
4. Data and the Holograms
My Data bust was a High School graduation present. In the past he sat on my bookshelf with all of my Star Trek books…of which there are way more than I care to admit….but he now has a place of honor on top of the entertainment center. I have an insane love for this bust and I’m not really sure why. I guess I was seduced by how ridiculously awesome it is. The picture on the left is a hologram (see below) and the picture on the right is of me, my brother and my nephew at the Star Trek Exhibition in Riverside (California, not Iowa).
For my birthday a few years ago my friend Hayden took me to Star Trek: The Tour down in Long Beach and bought me a hologram picture of us being “beamed.” I wish I had access to this technology because I would take SO MANY holographic pictures.
5. The Mousepad
This may seem like just a mousepad BUT it actually holds a lot of significance for me. I got it when I went away to college. Why is that important? Well, because I went to school in San Francisco because it’s the future location of Starfleet Academy and I wanted to be as close to Starfleet Academy as possible. And yes, I am completely serious. In addition to my university diploma, I also have a Starfleet Academy diploma and a Kobayashi Maru certificate (signed by William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy no less). This is a prime example of why I consider myself a Nerd/Geek/Dork combo.
6. The Ships
My Dad is a total perfectionist and I adore him for it even though it meant I couldn’t leave my homework out as a kid. When he does something, he does it perfectly. When we were kids he bought 3 Star Trek models and painted them. The two smaller ones have been lost for years but the largest one, the Enterprise NCC-1701-D is alive and kicking.
I have another NCC-1701-D that is 2 feet long but it’s one of the items up in storage.
My Dad also gave me my Star Trek mobile. It’s a little faded after all these years but it glows in the dark and I love it.
7. The Scripts
I am very lucky in that I’ve been surrounded by amazing people my whole life. I also refuse to put up with a-holes so maybe that has something to do with it too. One of the areas in which I’ve been very blessed is my parental units. Through divorce and random circumstances I’ve ended up with six parents. One of them is Dean Minnerly aka “Popi.” (Literally) one of the most kick ass dudes I’ve ever known. He works in the technical side of the entertainment industry and, as a side job, was a contributing writer on The Next Generation for the first two seasons. One of his biggest contributions? Helping to kill off Tasha Yar.
What’s that? You want proof? Ok. Go to Netflix and turn on “Skin of Evil” (you know, the episode with the giant tar monster that kills her). At the very beginning of the episode Tasha and Worf are talking about Yar’s upcoming martial arts competion. Worf asks who she is competing against. He dismisses her first competitor, saying that she will defeat him easily. Then she mentions that she’ll be fighting Lt. Minnerly next and Worf gets worried. That’s right folks, Dean (who is a martial artist in real life) wrote himself into the episode.
Epic win.
Sadly, he did all of this just before he came into my life so I never got to participate in the TNG awesomeness, but he did give me an extremely rare cast jacket, several scripts, and some HI-larious stories.
Aaaaaaand on that note, I think I’ll stop there. There’s more I could show you but that would make for a VERY long post. Don’t worry all you non-Trekkies, Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, Thor, Transformers, etc. etc. are also represented here albeit in a much smaller capacity.
What can I say? I’m a good little Trekkie 🙂
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