About a month ago I got an email from Isaac over at World’s Best Podcast asking me if I’d like to participate in the occasional podcast session. I’ve never done a podcast before so I said I would be delighted! After a meet and greet via Skype it was decided that my first guest appearance would be for the Dardevil movie discussion.
I’ve gotta say, I had a lot of fun participating in this. Isaac and Adam are fantastic and it’s extremely refreshing to geek out with other nerds. Usually when I start talking about this stuff with virtual strangers they either look at me like they think I’m insane or like they want to pat me on the head and shoo me out of the room before I embarrass either them or myself. Except at Conventions aka My Happy Place.
Two things I learned from my first podcasting experience:
1. I need to get a better mic. I’ll do that at some point.
2. I need to not play with the microphone cord. Ever. I did that a lot and, totally unbeknownst to me, it resulted in some lovely I Am T-Pain vocal sound effects. Luckily the podcast gods were looking out for me and I did it mostly when I was listening so Auto Tune Tracy only pops up at the very beginning of the podcast.
So, without further ado, here’s Isaac, Adam and yours truly discussing the movie Daredevil starring Ben Affleck, Jennifer Garner, Michael Clarke Duncan, Colin Farrell and Jon Favreau. Hope you like it!
Oh, and sometimes the above player takes it’s sweet time buffering and I can’t figure out how to fix that. SO, if you have that problem just click on the website link. Here it is: http://tinmanfrisbie.podbean.com/2012/04/01/season-4-episode-16/
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