Me and the Boys always play nice
I haven’t had much free time lately and part of the reason why is a new project I’ve been working on called Podthingy with John Mulhall, author of Geddy’s Moon; Blayne Alexander, lead singer of Idiot Stare; and Hayden Lawrence, NerdBFF and Geek Outlaw. Basically, we sit around and drink and talk about awesome nerdy stuff. Here are episodes 1-5. Click the title to listen and be sure to “like” us on facebook!
Episode 1: “That’s What She Said”
Podthingy is where the geeks meet over drinks to discuss the latest in pop culture. This week’s episode features: WonderCon, Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Bryan Singer and the future of X-Men, Jager Bombs, and more!
Episode 2: “Do Not Fact Check This Podcast”
Podthingy is where the geeks meet over drinks to discuss the latest in pop culture. This week’s episode features: Batman vs Superman, Zack Snyder, Transcendence, Sippy Bras, and more!
Episode 3: “Not His Exact Words”
Podthingy is where the geeks meet over drinks to discuss the latest in pop culture. This week’s episode features: Fantastic Four, Gravity, Bird Man, unnecessary sequels (Goonies 2, Ghostbusters 3, etc), remakes vs reboots, and baby sharks.
Episode 4: “Licking the Tip”
Podthingy is where the geek meet over drinks to discuss the latest in nerd culture. This week’s episode features: things nerds hate about nerds, The Hobbit movies, Game of Thrones, The Walking Dead, Breaking Bad, books vs movies, and casual geeks.
Episode 5: “Same Sad Batman Time…”
Podthingy is where the geeks meet over drinks to discuss the latest in nerd culture. This week’s episode features: a group review of X-Men-Days of Future Past, Godzilla 2014, the title of the newest Superman movie, Edgar Wright leaving Ant-Man, The Amazing Spider-Man 2, sequels that ignore previous movies, and picklebacks
Just a heads up that Geek Outlaw and I will have a booth at Long Beach Comic Expo this weekend so come visit us at Booth 4000!
Like our intro and outro music? Want to hear more? Blayne’s band Idiot Stare is participating in a “pay what you want” promo. Download the album for free or for what you feel you should pay here: (FYI, the song used on Podthingy is “Future Popped”)
Looking for a new book to read? Enjoy horror? Check out John’s book Geddy’s Moon (I’ve read it and it’s amazing)
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