Special guest Paul Schrier from “Power Rangers”!
Podthingy is a side project that I’ve been working on with John Mulhall, author of Geddy’s Moon; Blayne Alexander, lead singer of Idiot Stare; and Hayden Lawrence, NerdBFF and Geek Outlaw. Basically, we sit around and drink and talk about awesome nerdy stuff. Here are episodes 24-26. Click the title to listen and be sure to “like” us on facebook and please rate us on iTunes!
(Listen to Episodes 1-5 HERE)
(Listen to Episodes 6-13 HERE)
(Listen to Episodes 14-16 HERE)
(Listen to Episodes 17-20 HERE)
(Listen to Episodes 21-23 HERE)
Special guest Todd Stashwick!
Episode 24: “Podcast. Die. Repeat.”
In this episode, we’re joined by special guest, actor/writer Todd Stashwick who discusses his new movie Mockingbird, his upcoming roles on Gotham and 12 monkeys, the forthcoming Star Wars video game he’s co-writing, and his web comic, Devil Inside. We also talk about Avengers 3 rumors, the video release of Edge of Tomorrow, the casting of Justin Bieber as the voice of K.I.T.T., the ongoing debate regarding about Ben Affleck as Batman, the development of DC’s Suicide Squad and our picks for Harley Quinn casting, the merits of the Zack Snyder Watchmen movie, the casting of Jessie Eisenberg as Lex Luthor, the departure of Joaquin Phoenix from Doctor Strange talks, the prospect of an Iron Man 4 directed by Mel Gibson, the premiere episodes of Gotham, and the prevalence of spoilers for upcoming movies and how that affects fandom. DRINK OF THE WEEK: Liquid Cocaine 1 ½ oz Southern Comfort ¾ oz amaretto ¾ oz Grand Marnier 1 ½ oz sweet and sour 1 ½ oz pineapple juice sprite to fill
Episode 25: “Hayden is a Sexist”
In this episode, we’re joined by a special guest, reality show producer/showrunner Sara Quick, to discuss the first season of the A&E geek-centric, tattoo-related, reality show, Epic Ink. We also talk about the somewhat controversial new Fantastic Four movie, the possibility of a Bill & Ted’s 3 and a Zombieland 2, the new Interstellar trailer, the polarizing new DC apparel, and the lack of Gamora merchandise. Then, Hayden digs a hole and buries himself.
Episode 26: “That’s Not Creepy At All”
In this episode, we’re joined by our special guest, Paul Schrier, better know as Bulk from the Power Rangers, who talks about his life on the show and his job in the creative side of 3D printing. We also discuss how it’s going to be possible to avoid the slew of new Star Wars spoilers, the new rumors of Indiana Jones 5, our feelings on recasting roles in films and television, the possibility of William Shatner playing a part in the next Star Trek movie, Roberto Orci dropping out of the Power Rangers reboot, news on X-Men: Apocalypse, and an update on Community. DRINK OF THE WEEK: The All American 1 oz bourbon 1 oz Southern Comfort coke to fill
Special guest Sara Quick from “Epic Ink”!
Like our intro and outro music? Want to hear more? Blayne’s band Idiot Stare is participating in a “pay what you want” promo. Download the album for free or for what you feel you should pay here: http://idiotstare.bandcamp.com/ (FYI, the song used on Podthingy is “Future Popped”)
Looking for a new book to read? Enjoy horror? Check out John’s book Geddy’s Moon (I’ve read it and it’s amazing).
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