Podthingy 17
Podthingy is a side project that I’ve been working on with John Mulhall, author of Geddy’s Moon; Blayne Alexander, lead singer of Idiot Stare; and Hayden Lawrence, NerdBFF and Geek Outlaw. Basically, we sit around and drink and talk about awesome nerdy stuff. Here are episodes 21-23. Click the title to listen and be sure to “like” us on facebook and please rate us on iTunes!
(Listen to Episodes 1-5 HERE)
(Listen to Episodes 6-13 HERE)
(Listen to Episodes 14-16 HERE)
(Listen to Episodes 17-20 HERE)
Episode 21: “Blayne is Not a Name”
In this episode, special guest JON CRYER from “Two and a Half Men,” Hot Shots!,” and “Pretty in Pink” joins us to discuss his career, his role as an anti-teen-heartthrob, his relationship with Molly Ringwald, how Robert Downey Jr. was nearly cast as Duckie, and Ashton Kutcher’s trailer. We also talk about Wesley Snipes as Blade, new casting on Agents of SHIELD, the failed Wonder Woman pilot, the beautiful Lynda Carter, the developing reboots of Greatest American Hero and CHiPs, news on the Gremlins reboot/sequel, Super Troopers 2, and the fictional characters that awakened our sexuality when we were young. Plus Jon shares some interesting news about early drafts of Back to the Future in a fun Podthingy exclusive!
Episode 22: “This is the Title of the Show”
In this episode we discuss the news of the Walking Dead spinoff pilot, the possibility of a 24 movie, the discovery of the Dreadnaughtus dinosaur, an Underworld reboot, Ghost in the Shell as a live-action movie, kicking ass in lingerie, the Hawkeye Project, Star Trek on TV, the inside scoop on the new Terminator trilogy, Gamergate, the worthiness of George Lucas as a director, American Graffiti, fan edits of popular films, crossplay, bullying, Lea Thompson on Dancing with the Stars, celebrities charging for autographs, and the coolness of Dave Prowse. Drink of the Week: Chocolate Salted Pretzel Shot 1 part Whipped Cream Vodka 1 part Frangelico 1 part butterscotch schnapps served in a chilled shot glass with a salted rim
Episode 23: “Guardians of the Cul-de-Sac”
In this episode, we take on our “Wheel of Topics” and discuss things like whether or not Batman might have died at the end of The Dark Knight Rises, the merits of “the Bane voice” vs “the Batman voice,” our favorite moments from the Burton Batman films, and sequels that are better than the originals vs sequels that suck, including deep dives into the awful sequels Spider-Man 3, X-Men 3, and Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. Drink of the Week: Frangelico Shots
Special guest Jon Cryer!
Like our intro and outro music? Want to hear more? Blayne’s band Idiot Stare is participating in a “pay what you want” promo. Download the album for free or for what you feel you should pay here: http://idiotstare.bandcamp.com/ (FYI, the song used on Podthingy is “Future Popped”)
Looking for a new book to read? Enjoy horror? Check out John’s book Geddy’s Moon (I’ve read it and it’s amazing).
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