Oh my Odin! It’s Vikingfest! 2012 Edition

I’ll admit it. I’m a festival nut.

I’m a proud American made up of German, Norwegian, Danish, English, Irish and Bohemian parts (or as I like to call myself, a “Euro Mutt”). I also get mistaken for a crapload of other ethnicities as well. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been asked if I’m Eastern European, Greek, Israeli, Italian, Hispanic, yadda, yadda, yadda. For some reason random strangers really like to speculate about my ethnicity. I get asked at the grocery store, by people walking by on the street, I even got asked by a lady in the public bathroom at a baseball game once. Which is kind of weird but kind of cool at the same time.

So I can pretty much fit in at any festival there is.

I’ve been known to attend Chinese New Years, Renaissance Faires, Asian Music Festivals, and various Reenactments, but I mostly frequent Oktoberfest (I actually really dig polka dancing. That’s cool…….right?), the Scottish Highland Games (my step-dad is Scottish), and Viking Fest.

Since relocating to San Diego in 2011, this is my 2nd time going to the Vista Viking Festival. I wrote about it last year as well which you can check out HERE.

Here are some pics from Vikingfest 2012:

Me and my Norwegian Mama.

aka Mama Jedi

Pretty Vista, CA sky.

I take A LOT of sky pictures

Cosplaying at Vikingfest. You’re doing it wrong.

I just…I have no words.

Cosplaying at Vikingfest. You’re doing it right!

Valkyrie WIN!

Old school silversmithing.

Yay for child labor!


My Scottish step-dad with his Pict paint


That’s my good friend Brett. He’s the one who zombifies my pictures for me.

We drank two of these in a row. They were surprisingly potent for such little shots.


The result:

By the throwing axes. We probably should have stayed away from that section at that point in time.

But we found a super awesome horned vampire skull mug!

Still trying to figure out what kind of critter this is supposed to be

Introducing Brett to the wonder that is lefse.


Brett approves.

nom nom nom

I can eat lefse all day, every day and be perfectly happy.

nom nom nom

No really, I seriously love the stuff.

nom nom nom

A festival favorite, this is the 3rd time I’ve seen Highland Way. They’re a lot of fun. Here they are joined by The Lacemakers.

Both are technically Celtic bands. Apparently there aren’t many Viking bands in San Diego.

Some SCA combat.

Not gonna lie, it was pretty badass

And last but not least….it’s Ghost!

Friendliest. Direwolf. Ever.

On to the next festival!


23 responses to “Oh my Odin! It’s Vikingfest! 2012 Edition”

  1. Greg Scott Neuman Avatar

    Looks like fun! I want akvavit and lefse now, and I don’t even know what either one tastes like.

    Do you read The Dresden Files novels? Because there’s a character in those books who believes polka is just about the coolest thing ever; he’d back you up, even if the rest of us are skeptical. If you haven’t read them, I highly recommend doing so. Top-flight urban fantasy.

    1. Matti Alexander Christensen Avatar

      akvavit tastes mostly like the midgards worm took a wee in your drink, and loki decided to cover up his childs misbehaving by disguising the taste of worm wee with alcohol and christmas scents. (the christmas part might be a cultural thing, we danes drink a whole lot of “bitter” and schnaps during december)

      1. Greg Scott Neuman Avatar

        Neither can be worse than eggnog (a rum-spiked mixture of milk, sugar, raw eggs, and nutmeg) which is what Americans are supposed to drink during December. Fortunately, among those of us born after 1950, it is acceptable to dispense with the ridiculous milk & egg mixture and just shoot the rum.

      2. hotnerdgirl Avatar

        Haha, it’s not that bad. Maybe you tried it warm? It’s best served chilled. I’ll take Yukon Jack over it any day but I’ll drink pretty much anything so meh.

      3. hotnerdgirl Avatar

        Oh, and yes, eggnog is nasty. Barf.

    2. hotnerdgirl Avatar

      Akvavit tastes kind of like vodka with herbs in it. It’s waaaaaay better cold than room temperature. Lefse tastes sort of like a combination of a tortilla and a crepe but way better. It’s mostly potato. It’s really hard to make so all the women in the family usually get together for 2-3 days and make a crapload of it for the whole family, That’s how my family does it at least. Polka dancing is so much fun! My family hails from the midwest and we polka our little hearts out lol!

      1. Greg Scott Neuman Avatar

        My parents are first-generation Americans of Polish descent, so yeah, I’m familiar with polka. I didn’t really take to it though; I’m adopted, so I might just lack the polka gene.

        In any case – The Desden Files. Do read. Waldo Butters is your man.

    3. Jerry Boehme Avatar

      Lefse tastes like a breadish tortilla, if that makes any sense. I don’t care much for it, but my wife and the rest of my family loves it.

  2. becky Avatar

    Omg I make Lefse every year at Christmas, and I always stop myself from making a double batch because a)its not easy to make and b) I would eat a double batch in the same amount of time I eat a regular batch, and thats just bad.

    1. hotnerdgirl Avatar

      You make it by yourself?? Wow! You’re amazing!! We get all the women in the family together to make it. The guys go off and make the bratwurst and sauerkraut. Maybe some day I’ll try making it by myself but I’m a terrible cook to begin with so I can’t see that ending well lol

  3. Michael Wilming Avatar

    Greetings from Germany. Very interessting how you celebrate the vikings 🙂

    1. hotnerdgirl Avatar

      We celebrate the Germans too 😉

  4. Mama Jedi Avatar
    Mama Jedi

    So much fun! It’s great to go out, have a fun time and support the groups who put so much time and effort into bringing the best of different ethnicities by the way of food, drink, games, art, crafts, trades,sport/competition, genealogy, history, dance and music. Flags from Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland and Iceland were flown at this event celebrating all Vikings. Skål!

  5. Lucius Svartwulf Avatar

    Love you’re Mjolnir! 🙂 wish we had a viking fest here.

  6. tweedndust Avatar

    Norwegian Aquavit is one of the best liquors there is 🙂 Just one more reason to love our neighbours. Skål, from Sweden!

  7. Lucius Svartwulf Avatar

    Reblogged this on A Heathen's Path and commented:
    A wonderful fun article from a Norse girl. No idea if she’s a Heathen like us, but she’s got a lovely Mjolnir. 😉

  8. Dan Tisdel Avatar
    Dan Tisdel

    Love love love Akvavit and Lefse too…but then again I am a quarter Norwegian and the Grandson of a Minnesota Norwegian baker…so it’s genetic…

    1. hotnerdgirl Avatar

      Akvavit and lefse are easy to love. Some of the other traditional Norwegian foods are not so easy to stomach. For example, I did NOT inherit the lutefisk gene LOL.

      1. Christopher A. Avatar
        Christopher A.

        As a fellow Viking (and having grown up in Minnesota/North Dakota) – Lutefisk is an acquired taste (and far too easy to make badly)!

        If you ever need a lefse fix – I’d recommend Mrs Olson’s Lefse (http://www.mrsolsonslefse.com/ ) – esp. as they deliver/ship.

  9. Bill Avatar

    I am sure you must realize how incredibly sexy you look drinking that akvavit! 🙂

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